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Everything you need

Ancient Japanese healing art that uses the laying on of hands to harness the inexhaustible life energy of the universe for a revitalizing and healing effect on your body, soul and spirit

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What is Reiki

What is Reiki Simply Explained?

Reiki is an energy, the prana, the essence,  which is transmitted through the laying on of hands and from a distance with a special symbolic work and influence on health.  Reiki is one of many forms of so-called "energy work" and the laying on of hands techniques.

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Reiki Healing Workshop

There are four degrees that the Reiki system as taught by Dr. Usui complete. The groups consist of a maximum of 11 participants, individual initiations are also possible. Follow-up care is also a matter of course.

Each participant receives a diploma after successful completion.

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Reiki treatment

Positive life energy (Chi/Ki) for your body
The aim of an energetic treatment is to let positive life energies (Chi or Ki) flow into your body. The energy is supplied to your body by laying on of hands or via remote treatment. Your body allows this life energy to flow to the places where it is needed. This Reiki treatment is relaxing. It can reduce pain and rebalance all levels of vitality.

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